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New Motorola Smartphone Leaves Galaxy S5 And iPhone 6 Outgunned

 Who do you love? Typically the tech sector pushes you towards one of three: Apple AAPL +0.24%, Google GOOGL -2.17% or Microsoft MSFT -1.9% – but if you ask me who is consistently impressing the most it would be Motorola.
Having garnered rave reviews for the Moto G and Moto X last year, the company has impressed again with the incredible value of the Moto E, and the 2014 editions of the new Moto G and Moto X (review coming soon). And now Motorola appears ready to blow our socks off.
Motofirmware has attained the manual (pdf link) for the much leaked, seemingly too-good-to-be-true ‘Droid Turbo’. While your choice of ecosystem will always come first, on paper the Android-based Droid Turbo looks set to grind high profile rivals like the Galaxy S5 and iPhone 6 into the dirt.

Specifications King
The main talking point of the Droid Turbo is its 2k (2,560 x 1,440) 5.2-inch pixel display. 2k resolutions already exist on the LG G3 (5.5-inch) and Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (5.7-inch), but this is the first time we’ve seen it used on anything that could just about be used with one hand.

                                        Motorola Droid Turbo (image courtesy of

Internally, benchmarks tag it as having the latest Snapdragon 805 chipset and Krait 450 GPU outpacing the 801 chips used in all its major rivals (HTC One M8, Samsung Galaxy S5, Sony Xperia Z3, LG G3, etc) and combines that with 3GB of RAM. These are Note 4-equivalent phablet specs in a smartphone.
Another eye watering element is the 21 megapixel camera. Until now Motorola has shown no desire to compete in a megapixel race but with its cameras so far proving good if not class leading, it seems the company is looking to turn heads this time around.

Of course more megapixels don’t automatically mean better pictures – as the iPhone 6’s impressive 8 megapixel camera shows – but in combination with its 4k Ultra HD video recording those 21 megapixels will still generate interest.
In addition to this the manual references “a high-capacity long lasting battery”. The Droid Turbo’s specifications would demand it, though given Moto devices have had superb stamina up to now it bodes well.

In addition to the bleeding edge hardware, the Droid Turbo also has the benefit of essentially stock Android. The only changes are Motorola’s simple, but useful apps like Moto Voice (which lets you trigger voice commands even with the screen locked) and Moto Actions (which detects movement to display notifications without touching the screen).

                                         Motorola Droid Turbo rear (image courtesy of HellomotoHK)

But the Droid Turbo doesn’t get away entirely scot-free. The most obvious (and superficial) point to make is it looks ugly. While there are some elements of the slick Moto X, the Turbo’s return to capacitive keys is a backwards step and the edges and rear look a little tacky.
In addition the handset is only listed as having 32GB of onboard storage with no microSD expansion slot. For such a high end handset with a noticeably high resolution camera, this is a disappointment.
The final frustration comes in the name: ‘Droid Turbo’. Motorola’s Droid line is exclusive to Verizon, so there is no word whether the handset will come to other carriers or have an international launch.

                                               Motorola Shamu (expected to be the Nexus 6)
Price And Availability

At this stage we know neither, but with so many detailed leaks a launch date cannot now be far away and Motorola has keenly priced all its handsets since returning to the market last year after its Google-driven overhaul.
Needless to say outperforming your rivals on a specifications sheet does not mean the Droid Turbo will necessarily come out on top in real world use (hence the term ‘outgunned’), but the interesting thing is Motorola has done a great job building handsets which have outperformed their specifications up to now. So seeing it fully engage in a spec war is exciting.
Furthermore given Motorola’s codenamed ‘Shamu’ phablet looks set to become Google’s new Nexus 6 later this month, the company continues to look like one of the great comeback stories of recent times. Lenovo has gotten itself a bargain.


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