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Cara Delevingne and Anna Kendrick become latest victims of iCloud photo hacking scandal

Can these hackers just not please?

Just when you thought celebrities' iCloud accounts were safe from the vile pervs over at 4Chan, another batch of supposedly nude celeb photos have been leaked all over internet, and this time Cara Delevingne and Anna Kendrick are amongst the victims.
Can we all just stop please? This is getting ridiculous.

 Cara Delevingne nude pics hack - images -
According to The Daily Beast, a whole bathtub load of these pics have popped up on sites like 4Chan and Reddit, with more celebs being targetted including more pics of Amber Heard and allegedly, some more of Jennifer Lawrence.


Anna Kendrick previously shared a message her bro Mike sent her which read: I have never been happier to see not see your name on a list."

Anna Banana replied in possibly the best way possible, saying: "Don't worry bro, it would just be photos of food and other people's dogs anyway," which we're guessing just proves these new 'leaks' are all a load of bullhockey.

Apple has come under a load of crapola for not sorting out the bug that allows users' iCloud accounts to be hacked, and were forced to release a statement to deny it actually had anything to do with them:

Anna kendrick icloud hack - images -
"After more than 40 hours of investigation, we have discovered that certain celebrity accounts were compromised by a very targeted attack on user names, passwords and security questions, a practice that has become all too common on the internet.
"None of the cases we have investigated has resulted from any breach in any of Apple's systems including iCloud or Find my iPhone [app]. We are continuing to work with law enforcement to help identify the criminals involved."
The moral of the story is, let's all stop hacking people's accounts yeah? SERIOUSLY STOP.
What are your thoughts on all this?


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