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Friday 26 September 2014

Ex-con Kevin Mitnick now selling zero-day exploits, starting at $100K

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Image of Kevin Mitnick courtesy of Flickr user campuspartycolombia, creative commons license 
Kevin Mitnick isn't known for being humble.
When Paul Ducklin reviewed the infamous convicted phone hacker's Ghost in the Wires a few years ago, he noted that the book contained nary a word of contrition (granted, many readers disagreed with him on the need for any):
He doesn't apologise to the very many victims he abused, lied to and cheated; nor to those whose cellphone time he ripped off and whose identities he stole; nor to those outside his own circle whom he left in potentially serious trouble or whose lives he diminished by his self-obsessed criminality.
In fact, he doesn't really acknowledge his victims at all, and he gave me the impression that he's still proud of his time as a liar and a cheat.
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