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Thursday 23 October 2014

Google goes beyond two-step verification with new USB Security Key

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Sure, you can get a one-time code sent to your mobile phone and use that code, with your password, to try to fend off takeovers of Google, Yahoo or iCloud accounts, among others.
But can you be assured that a sophisticated phisher hasn't spoofed a site to trick you into handing over your one-off code?
No, you can't, and that's why Google's decided to ratchet up the security of two-step verification (2SV) even tighter.
                                                 Google 2SV
On Tuesday, it announced that it's adding support for a physical USB second factor that will first verify the login site as being a true Google website, not a fake site pretending to be Google, before it hands over a cryptographic signature.  read more>>


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