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Thursday, 14 January 2016

Internet Explorer 11 – now the only way to go

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A week ago, we informed you concerning the impending end of older version of internet explorer. Our our main concern is that about 10% of users in the world appear to be running windows xp which has not been patched to protect against security vulnerabilities since early 2014. 

And also most user of window 7 might have the same mindset and resist upgrading to internet explorer 11 on the grounds that the old one is still effective, so why risk changing anything.

The challenge for desktop windows users is that IE cumulative update that was published by Microsoft on Tuesday 12 January 2016 (MS16-001) is the last ever update for Windows 7 that will patch IE 8, 9 and 10.

Those versions, plus IE 7, are still supported on some legacy server and embedded platforms, and will therefore continue to get updates on those platforms.

But desktop users who insist on sticking with older versions of IE will, loosely speaking, have a browser that contains zero-days for ever.

There won’t be any patches unless you are on IE 11, and that means any security holes in earlier versions of IE that become known to cybercrooks will be exploitable for ever.  there probably will be – hacks published that let you scrape IE updates from the Windows versions where older IEs are still supported, such as latest builds of Windows Server 2008 R2.

If you have legacy web apps that still won’t work on the latest Internet Explorer – and IE 11 has already been around for six months longer than XP has been retired – then please don’t blame Microsoft.

Blame the web app vendor, especially if they’re still charging you licensing fees for software that hasn’t kept up with security improvements in the web world.


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