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Monday 16 July 2018

Setting up Auto Reply message on whatsapp

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WhatsApp has grown to be one of the most widely used instant messaging service. Nowadays even organizations use it to connect with customers. Sometimes customers have frequently asked questions. Due to lack of man power or time, organizations are unable to answer all the queries in real time.

Setting up automated, predefined messages to these common questions on WhatsApp can aid the smooth running of  businesses. Sending an automated reply to WhatsApp message creates a better impression in customer’s mind. Not just organizations but this could also help individuals.

So to set this up, you will need the latest version of gb WhatsApp which was launched earlier this month, which has the " Auto reply" feature.

The latest release version of GB WhatsApp version 6.40 came with auto reply. This means that you can set auto reply messages for both group chat and private chat. The interesting thing is that you can also schedule time to reply back messages and time to stop replying back.

In other to set up auto reply message you may need to download latest GB WhatsApp. After downloading please kindly install and launch on the 3 dots option button then click on GB settings, you will see auto reply message then click on it and enable it.

Click plus button  to create new auto reply message. Click auto reply message and write  your feed back text e.g "I received your message, I will respond to you shortly". Repeat the same method you want your message to be delayed, after which you set receiver. Receiver could be your contact & group chat then set specific start time and end time. After that click add and you are set to go.


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