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Friday, 10 October 2014

New Motorola Smartphone Leaves Galaxy S5 And iPhone 6 Outgunned

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Who do you love? Typically the tech sector pushes you towards one of three: Apple AAPL +0.24%, Google GOOGL -2.17% or Microsoft MSFT -1.9% – but if you ask me who is consistently impressing the most it would be Motorola.
Having garnered rave reviews for the Moto G and Moto X last year, the company has impressed again with the incredible value of the Moto E, and the 2014 editions of the new Moto G and Moto X (review coming soon). And now Motorola appears ready to blow our socks off.
Motofirmware has attained the manual (pdf link) for the much leaked, seemingly too-good-to-be-true ‘Droid Turbo’. While your choice of ecosystem will always come first, on paper the Android-based Droid Turbo looks set to grind high profile rivals like the Galaxy S5 and iPhone 6 into the dirt. read more>>


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